Day 1: Pine Ridge Reservation with our dear friends the Cheif Eagles! We did service work.
Day 2: The Black Hills of South Dakota. We kayaked and learned how to trust the spirit
Day 3: Horseback riding, a chuch wagon steak dinner and empowering the unity of community.
Day 4: Saved by Grace! Mount Rushmore and time to relax.
Day 5: Enjoyed a hoop dance by Dallas and Becky Chief Eagle's daughter at the Crazy Horse Monument. The theme for this day was Truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Chief Eagles taught us a saying Mitakuye Oyasin, which means All my relatives. The fact that we are all related, all of us as children of God. This trip was full of Holy Spirit moments. I can’t wait to share how the Spirit lead this amazing group of young people.