This Ministry provides spiritual outreach and instruction to our youth and their families.  Families are encouraged to particpate in activities that enhance discipleship, evangelism and fellowship.  We will study God's word and share in his grace. 


Sunday School
Pre-k - 12th Grade

Sunday School meets during the school year.   September to May 

The Worship & Music Committee works closely with the parents and Pastor Ben to ensure a meaningful experience for each confirmand.
Middle School
Youth Group and Confirmation

Grades 6,7, 8

Leaders: Keir and Ashley Swisher

Ladies Sunday School
September - May

Join us for Ladies Sunday School, starting September 29 at 10:30 am in Pastor Ben’s office. Together, we  will dig deeper into the lessons, hymns and prayers by seeing how they all tie together and how they relate to us in our present-day lives. This is a multi-generational group, and all are welcome!


High School
United Youth Group

Leaders: Kendall & Jade Banning


First Communion

 At the Falun/Salemsborg Lutheran Parish, we leave the ages of the children about to take first communion up to the parents. The recommended age is 4th grade and older, but we also realize that children’s ability to understand the meaning of communion can vary. The first communion class is about 2 hours long, and we talk about the meaning of the Eucharist, and what a sacrament is. On the day of their first communion, the families of the young person are invited to come up and commune with them. This usually occurs the Sunday following the class. The practice of our parish and the ELCA is that ALL are welcome at the table of Christ. 


Our 2024 Parish Day Camp, was in colaboration with Camp Tomah Shinga.



Mystery Trip Travelogue

July 2023

Day 1: Pine Ridge Reservation with our dear friends the Cheif Eagles!  We did service work.

Day 2: The Black Hills of South Dakota.  We kayaked and learned how to trust the spirit

Day 3: Horseback riding, a chuch wagon steak dinner and empowering the unity of community. 

Day 4: Saved by Grace! Mount Rushmore and time to relax.

Day 5: Enjoyed a hoop dance by Dallas and Becky Chief Eagle's daughter at the Crazy Horse Monument. The theme for this day was Truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

The Chief Eagles taught us a saying Mitakuye Oyasin, which means All my relatives. The fact that we are all related, all of us as children of God. This trip was full of Holy Spirit moments. I can’t wait to share how the Spirit lead this amazing group of young people.

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